When to Visit
Many travelers ask about the best time to visit Seychelles.The short answer is that you can visit the Seychelles anytime of the year.
Though the rainfall us un predictable, there are clear months of rainfall. Some travlers would like to swimming in the rain something that can be fun.
There is very little temperature variation throughout the year, it is always warm, but it would be fair to say it can be overcast in the middle of the wet season.
There are other reasons that may influence your choice of ‘What is the best time to visit The Seychelles’ and that is the fact that from the end of March until October, 1.5m sooty terns descend on Bird Island to breed, making one heck of a noise and mess over half the island. If you walk along the beach between October and February you may spot a turtle crawling up the beach to lay her eggs. Bird Island is the only place in the world where the hawksbill turtles lay during the day.