The Seychelles climate conditions in different areas can vary considerably, but in general the rainy season is Nov-Apr with high humidity and strong winds and the cool, dry season is May-Sep. Rainwear is required throughout the year.
1 Seychelles Rupee = 100 cents. Complete currency transactions at the airport for better rates than at banks. It’s illegal to exchange foreign currency with unauthorized money changers; penalties can be severe. All major credit cards are accepted. Pound Sterling traveller’s cheques are recommended. Only foreign currency is accepted in making payments in hotels, guesthouses and for other holiday-related expenses such as hiring of cars or boats, services of tour operators or travel agents, patronage of casinos and domestic transfers within the country. Incidental purchases or payments to restaurants outside hotels, for shopping (excluding duty-free shops) and taxi fares are payable in local currency. It’s illegal to enter or leave the country with more than 2000 Seychelles Rupees without authorisation.
240 volts, 50Hz. Plugs are 3-pin flat. Adaptors are provided by most larger hotels.
A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travellers over 1 year of age coming from infected areas or who have passed through partly or wholly endemic areas within the preceding 6 days. You are advised to take pre-arrival precautions against hepatitis A, polio and typhoid. Other health concerns are limited medical facilities, tetanus (recommended for rural areas), hookworm and other parasites (don’t walk barefoot) and influenza (risk extends throughout the year).
The official languages are English and French. Seychellois is a mixture of Seselwa and French Creole.
New Years’ Day (1 Jan); Good Friday (9 Apr); Easter Monday (12 Apr); Labour Day (1 May); Liberation Day (5 Jun); National Day (18 Jun); Independance Day (29 Jun); Assumption (15 Aug); All Saint’s Day (1 Nov); Immaculate Conception (8 Dec); Christmas Day (25 Dec)
Commercialised souvenirs; unique natural artifacts and craftwork e.g baskets, tableware and hats; Mother of Pearl, coral and shell rings and pendants; red and black coral necklaces; local wood boxes and walking sticks; paintings; jewellery; exotic local spices; strong black island tea; orchids dipped in gold. Polite bargaining is acceptable. NB: You need an official permit to purchase a Coco-de-Mer.
Religion is mainly Roman Catholic. Hand-shaking is the customary form of greeting. The Seychellois are very hospitable and welcome guests into their homes. Clothing is casual at dinner – for men, slacks and shirts are fine for the evening. Swimwear is only for the beaches. A shirt with a tie are suitable for business, no jackets are required.
GMT +4
Tipping is not expected at hotels, restaurants and in taxis as bills include a service charge.