Self Drive Tips : Cars To Book On A Safari In Uganda.
When going for a safari to either Uganda or Rwanda, one needs to decide which type of car he/she wants to use. In most cases tourists ask us this question when they inquire for their safaris to either Uganda or Rwanda or even both and we go on and advice. But it’s always a good practice to make your own choice so that you can have the best experience on the safari without any inconveniences related to the car used. Choosing the type of car to hire depends on what type tourism activity you are going to do and the number of people you are travelling with. Sometimes clients inquire with us and they want small cars yet they are many in number. We always advise them to go for bigger cars like vans which can accommodate their number. It’s always good to travel with a classic touch and freedom other than travelling while congested in a small car. Small cars like saloons and small Benz’s are suitable to use if clients are 2 or 3 but not more than that as it would mean to squeeze yourself which is not good.
The distance to be travelled and the destination that you want to go to is also important while selecting the type 0f car to hire in Uganda. If you know that you are travelling for longer distances and to places which are challenging with undulating topologies and hills, then the best type of car to hire is that with a 4×4 wheel drive system. This is because 4×4 cars can penetrate through muddy roads and hills without any problem and without getting stuck. Sometimes people make wrong choices and they go with cars which are not full time 4×4 and they end up getting stuck in muddy roads forcing them to hire another towing car to remove them from the mud. This is bad as it leads to increase in the expenses. The only way to avoid this is by hiring a 4×4 wheel drive car which cannot easily get stuck in such conditions.
It should be noted that both Uganda and Rwanda have some places with bad roads and this is common in national parks especially in Uganda where there are animals to be viewed. Such parks require 4×4 cars for a game drive experience .safari vehicles like 4×4 land cruisers with a popup roof are the best cars to use for a successful game drive. In case one needs to go for a town-running (driving around the town) then he/she can book these other cars which have no 4×4 system because roads in all urban places kin both Uganda and Rwanda are in good conditions and no threat is imposed to the user.
When you book with us we always ask you what you intend to use the car for and we give advice when it comes to choosing the type of car to use. Some clients seem to be complicated and ignore our advise because they think roads in Uganda and Rwanda are like those in their home countries and they end up making mistakes which are regrettable. And at the end of their safari they regret why they ignored our advice.
In conclusion, you should always put in mind two factor before selecting which type of car to use and that is;- the destination you are going to and the number of people you are travelling with.